The Art of Photography

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Measuring Exposure - part 2

 For part two of measuring exposure bracketing exposures either side of average metering were taken.  For my group average metering was perfectly fine, although in most of the images I preferred the shot over exposed by a third of a stop. My images are similar types of pictures which would account for this.  In the coming weeks I will experiment with different subject matter to see what preferences that will produce.

This scene was outside the range of my camera.  Average gave the least amount of burn out and loss of shadow detail.  However I prefer the image of over exposing by a third of a stop. This gives more shadow detail even though a bit more loss in the cloud highlights occurs.  Ideally a graduated filter would be used to enable this scene to be taken without loss in the cloud or shadows.

For this group I think the average metering produces the best result.  Over exposing the petals start to burn out and the pink petals lose some of the vibrant colour. Underexposing and detail is lost and the image looks too dark and a bit flat. T

Although over exposing by two thirds causes some of the sky to be burnt out, it still is the better image than the correctly metered centre image.   This is largely because the range of the scene is outside the dynamic range of the camera.  In this instance I have to choose, will I lose detail in the shadow area or highlights in the sky area.  Over exposure, I think is the better choice here.

Centre Image correct exposure either side under and over exposure.  For this series I think I prefer a third of a stop over exposed for the building but prefer the sky at the correct exposure.

The centre picture is the correctly exposed, the images to the left underexpose by steps of one third.  to the right the images over expose by steps of one third.
The day was actually a really black sky just moments before it rained. The images over exposed look as though they are getting closer to correct exposure. This was an interesting set as without context to realise how dark and foreboding the sky was, the correct exposure looks under-exposed. With context to show the 'real weather' under-exposing a third of a stop gives more drama.
I think this set shows how important context is when deciding on your exposure.

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